A Spiritual Check-Up


This weekend Pastor Brandon gave us the questions for a spiritual check-up.  Use this as a tool within your groups to check in with one another.


 4 Area’s to Allow God to Search

1.             Am I loving God with all of my HEART?

a.    Heart = What I treasure and show passion for

b.    “What is stronger: my desire for earthly gain or the treasures that are mine in Jesus?”

2.              Am I loving God with all my SOUL?

a.    Soul = The Core of My Identity

b.    “Do I define myself by who God says I am? Am I becoming more compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, and patient?”

3.              Am I loving God with all my MIND?

a.    Mind = What fills my thoughts and imagination?

b.    “How often am I focused on my relationship with God? When my mind wanders, how am I at redirecting it toward God?”

4.              Am I loving God with all my STRENGTH?

a.    Strength = My Power & Abilities

b.    “Do I willingly and regularly acknowledge my weakness apart from God, and credit Him for all I am able to do and accomplish.”

I have included a copy of the questions in the Documents section for future reference.

Welcome Back Pastor Ryan

Update from Pastor Ryan.  Please watch and as you prepare for your next couple weeks of sermons, we encourage you to take some time to let those in your group to share their story.  Start by asking “what difference has Jesus been making in the last year/month/week?”  Get more ideas for your group discussions by watching the video above.